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  • Stonks: $ASTS crazy, $NVDA weighting, $HIMS calls, $SOFI hype

Stonks: $ASTS crazy, $NVDA weighting, $HIMS calls, $SOFI hype

Here’s the latest “under the radar” stock news from Reddit in the last 24 hours that you don’t want to miss, as picked by Fluid Bot’s AI.

ASTS is going to go crazy next week because of a FirstNet announcement 

  • ASTS may announce something significant related to FirstNet this week

  • They have premier patented technology potentially useful to US defense

  • ASTS released a video hinting at an announcement at the FirstNet event on June 25-27

  • The poster has invested heavily in ASTS, with shares and multiple call options

  • The stock ticker for AST Space Mobile is $ASTS

NVDA to Get 20% Weighting and Billions in Investor Demand, AAPL Demoted in Major Tech Fund 

  • Nvidia, $NVDA, to receive 20% weighting and significant investor demand in major tech fund, XLK

  • Apple, $AAPL, demoted in the fund

  • Apple's stock ticker is $AAPL and its weighting in the ETF will fall to about 4.5%

  • The ETF has about $71 billion in assets under management

  • The rebalance will be in effect for one quarter, regardless of performance

  • The XLK has three top stocks with weights above 20%

  • Apple's weighting will decrease due to diversification rules

I will sell these HIMS calls when I stop seeing fat people on the streets of America 

  • Company crushing earnings due to appeal to zoomer/millennial customers

  • FDA shortage compound loophole allowing for growth

  • High marketing spend and new weight loss pills could lead to profit

  • Potential for Eli Lilly to split stock and reach $1 trillion market cap

  • Ozempic and other drugs expected to become mainstream

  • Potential to extend offerings to other drugs

SoFi: Overhyped or Underhyped? 

  • $SOFI stock has not moved since IPO, down 38%

  • Recent negative sentiment on social media

  • CEO buying stock on dips, institutional ownership increasing

  • Valued like a bank but growing like a tech company

  • Projected growth rates are conservative

  • Turned profitable this year, EPS growth expected

  • Belief that SoFi may be currently underhyped

What people are missing about NVDA 

  • Been following $NVDA since acquisition of 3DFX

  • NVIDIA is ahead in advanced chips, using AI for chip design

  • Scaling laws suggest NVIDIA will always win

  • Articles discussing NVIDIA's advancements in chip design

  • Disagree with idea competitors will catch up

  • NVIDIA's ChipNeMo project focuses on large language models (LLMs) for industrial chip design

  • Results show significant performance improvements with domain adaptation, including up to 5x model size reduction